sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

Pink JT

- Sharon Olds ama o JT!


I have heard about the civilized,

the marriages run on talk, elegant and honest, rational.

But you and I are savages. You come in with a bag,

hold it out to me in silence.

I know Moo Shu Pork when I smell it

and understand the message: I have

pleased you greatly last night. We sit

quietly, side by side, to eat,

the long pancakes dangling and spilling,

fragrant sauce dripping out,

and glance at each other askance, wordless,

the corners of our eyes clear as spear points

laid along the sill to show

a friend sits with a friend here.

Sharon Olds


sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011


IdentidadePreciso ser um outro
para ser eu mesmo

Sou grão de rocha
Sou o vento que a desgasta

Sou pólen sem insecto

Sou areia sustentando
o sexo das árvores

Existo onde me desconheço
aguardando pelo meu passado
ansiando a esperança do futuro

No mundo que combato morro
no mundo por que luto nasço

Mia Couto, in "Raiz de Orvalho e Outros Poemas"

Menino ou menina?

Um modelo que veio para a SPFW esse ano.

entrevista asia

susana está na casa tb!
asia, cheque este link! uma entrevista tua bem divertida.


( entrevista com Ásia argento)

Argento is not the first celebrity to fall under the spell of the frail, mysterious Leroy, who is rarely seen in public without a hat, dark glasses and a blond wig, and makes public appearances at which he nervously speaks in a barely audible mumble. With their disparate, but similarly unorthodox upbringings, they're quite a team - and between them, they've managed to assemble quite a cast, including Winona Ryder (an avid Leroy fan), Marilyn Manson (Asia starred in one of his videos) and Peter Fonda (who works for an association that helps abused children). It may sound like a bit of a celebrity love-in - a sleazy trawl through the landscape of white-trash America in general, and Leroy's painful memories in particular - but Argento doesn't see it that way. "He has written the book, so he has dealt with it over and over for years I guess. And he's been in therapy for years. In a way, when you talk so much about something, it does not belong to you any more. It's happened to me and my bad memories. I've manipulated them and now they could be parts of Gone With the Wind."

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

"Asia" is in the house!

1889, Oscar Wilde escreve em defesa do texto de Thomas Chatterton, o tal poeta do século XVIII que havia escrito como um monge medieval:

I insisted that his so-called forgeries were merely the result of an artistic desire for perfect representation; that we had no right to quarrel with an artist for the conditions under which he chooses to present his work; and that all Art being to a certain degree a mode of acting, an attempt to realize one’s own personality on some imaginative plane out of reach of the trammeling accidents and limitations of real life, to censure an artist for a forgery was to confuse an ethical with an aesthetical problem.

do blog: www.jtleroyblog.com






yves klein



notebook on cities and clothes. wim wenders.


a transfiguração do lugar comum. prefácio. arthur c. danto


And Mamy

A inventora delas todas.

Lady Gaga

E dela também.

Acho que Lady também entendeu o que Laura entendeu, só que com 20 anos menos.

O POP é agressivo e masculinizado.

E ela bancou e está comendo todo mundo com batatas.

Lembrei dele hoje, para a nossa coleção de imagens do vídeo.

Aqui estamos!

Merda para todos nós.

Achei esse texto numa folha A4.

Acabei não usando na peça.

Um dos motivos do JT ser tão tímido, é que ele não tinha corpo. Um dia, a Savanah apareceu lá em casa, e ela tinha acabado de raspar a cabeça. Eu olhei para aquela figura loura, com aqueles olhos azuis enormes e entendi que essa era a imagem de quem se perdoa qualquer coisa. Por mais perversa, louca, suja, daqueles olhos azuis se perdoaria qualquer coisa. Eu nunca pensei em mim dessa forma.